Let me help design and build your website
Why a website?
While social media is great for generating a buzz and creating noise around your brand, a website is still the best way to establish and build trust with potential customers.
What we have done
Here is a taste of what we have recently done together with some of our customers.

Let me help design and build your website
Why a website?
While social media is great for generating a buzz and creating noise around your brand, a website is still the best way to establish and build trust with potential customers.
What we have done
Here is a taste of what we have recently done together with some of our customers.
Helping You Being Seen
We would argue that the best way to build
a website is with WordPress
WordPress is used by individuals, large businesses, and everyone in between!
The website you are currently viewing is powered by WordPress
as well as the ones in my portfolio.
Having a website gives your business credibility
Your website markets your business 24/7
Cost-effective marketing
Allows you to showcase your products and services
Helping You Being Seen
We would argue that the best way to build a website is with WordPress
WordPress is used by individuals, large businesses, and everyone in between! The website you are currently viewing is powered by WordPress as well as the ones in my portfolio.
Having a website gives your business credibility
Your website markets your business 24/7
Cost-effective marketing
Allows you to showcase your products and services

I am Annika Feder
I have been working with this media for many years, in Sweden, Brazil and Portugal. I am hooked to the Internet and all that it has to offer. Web design and programming appeal to me as a fast and changeable interface. Having a functioning website is essential, it is absolutely our business card to the outside world! Perhaps you have an existing page which needs an update or you want a completely new one, I am a flexible partner, nothing is too small or too big.
” Annika has created our business homepage for our physical shop and now also our new webshop. We are very satisfied with the result where Annika has listened to what we wanted to achieve and whished for and found a layout that suites us perfectly including our new webshop. During the time of work, Annika has given us valuable feed-back and suggestions and has also been a good source to bounce and exchange ideas with. After the launch of the homepage, Annika has given us great support and information for us to understand how the homepage is designed and how it works. All in all, it has been a very positive experience and a fun time to work with Annika and to take part of her wide competence within this area and we highly recommend Annika and her work for future projects. “
” Jag anlitade Annika när jag behövde hjälp med att göra en hemsida till min verksamhet. Jag blev, och är fortfarande, mycket nöjd med Annikas jobb. Jag skulle inte tveka en sekund att anlita henne igen. Utöver det så är hon en himla trevlig tjej. “
” För mer än 10 år sedan tog vi kontakt med F-Graphics & Photo, Annika Feder, för att få hjälp med design och uppbyggnad av vår hemsida. På ett proffsigt sätt med kreativa och moderna idéer, presenterade Annika Feder en stilren och snygg hemsida som vi blev mycket nöjda och belåtna med. Även nyhetsbrevet till våra kunder har blivit omtyckta av oss och något som kunderna gett oss positiva omdömen för. Vårt samarbete har hela tiden varit effektivt, smidigt och med personlig service där våra önskemål alltid funnits i centrum. “
Don’t wait any longer.
Let me create your website today!
F-Graphics & Photo
Telephone/WhatsApp: +46 (0) 707 731 988
Mail: annika@f-graphicsphoto.com